Online Gaming Laws In India: An Obstruction In Path Of Prospective Investment

Innovation has invariably continued to find wide acceptance in India, primarily in the form of technological advancement. The Indian gaming industry is no exception to such acceptance. There has been an exponential growth in the gaming industry reflecting India’s potential as a global online gaming hub. As per a report by Deloitte1, India with 368 million online gamers is amongst the top five mobile gaming industries. If the projections are correct2, Indian gaming industry is on its way to $8.6 billion by 2025.

Indian online gaming industry can be categorised into skill based and chance-based games. Under the Indian legal regime, purely chance-based games fall within the purview of gambling and are consequently barred in most of the Indian states, while there are no restrictions on ideation, conduction, and promotion of “mere skill-based games”.

Please click here to read the full article by Gaurav G. Arora, published in BW Gaming World.