Data protection in Metaverse: Ascertaining privacy in the ever-expanding virtual world

Contemporary digital era continues to unravel countless possibilities of transforming human civilization. Metaverse, being no exception to such tremendous possibilities, exists as a vivid apparatus to simulate and amplify the magnitude of real-world human interactions in a virtual space. In the simplest terms, metaverse is a virtual platform that offers opportunities to interact in an extended version of real-life simulations.

Users interact in the metaverse through digital characters, that can be customized to personalize their interactions. Such interactions are not limited to socialization and aim at augmenting the conventional human experience of multifarious areas including business, education, entertainment, healthcare and all the practices stemming from human interactions. In many ways, metaverse converges real and virtual worlds. It functions as a gigantic virtual platform hosting a multiplicity of interfaces that operate simultaneously, generating and accumulating large volumes of data every second.

Please click here to read the full article by Gaurav G Arora, published in ET Insights.