International Women’s Day 2022 – Inspiring Story #2

Meet Ms. Prema Sagar, Founder Trustee of Genesis Foundation. Overcoming personal loss, she is the epitome of strength and learning, who led to the ‘genesis’ of Genesis Foundation. Dedicated to underprivileged children who are diagnosed with a Congenital Heart Defect, the Foundation facilitates medical treatment for them at partner hospitals across India.

We asked Ms. Sagar about her journey and motivations and here is what she has to say:

What inspired you to start a children’s healthcare foundation in India?

Sometimes life throws challenges and sadness our way and as we find our way through that, we find our life’s purpose. On December 20, 1983, we lost our second-born child Sameer, to a Congenital Heart Defect within 16 hours of his birth. It took us a long time to recover and we spent a lot of time wondering why. There were no answers in sight and we were in a vacuum of sadness. In time, we channeled our loss and began volunteering at Missionaries of Charity, which gave a whole new meaning to our life. Not only did it heal us, it also gave us a way to extend healing to others. One by one, we met children we could support. In time, we decided to do it in a more structured way and started Genesis Foundation.

Tell us more about your personal journey and experiences, as well as key achievements and learnings

My journey has been a series of serendipitous events that led to me taking life decisions. There were many events before that but let me start with the time when I started a printing press with my brother. At that time, I would literally deliver the prints to my clients by hand. On one such visit, I met with Priya Paul of THE Park Hotels, who spoke to me about wanting to increase the occupation levels of the hotel. Together we developed ‘Going Public  at THE Park’, where we had inspiring people share their experiences. People would come to listen to them and experience the hospitality first hand. What we didn’t realize was that this was really public relations. In another such coincidental meeting, I was gifted a book by PR guru Frank Jefkins, and that prompted me to go to his institute in London to  study the theory and practice of PR . When I came back, I decided to start Genesis PR. That was almost 30 years ago, in November 1992.

We started with three people and three clients. Over the years, we grew, expanded to Mumbai and Bangalore, got acquired by Burson-Marsteller – a WPP group company. Later, B-M  merged with another WPP group company Cohn & Wolfe to form Burson Cohn & Wolfe, or BCW. In India, Genesis PR became Genesis Burson-Marsteller, which then became Genesis BCW. Six Degrees BCW integrated with us to form the BCW India Group. Today, I am proud to be the Founding Chairperson of BCW India Group, with Deepshikha Dharmaraj, who has been with us almost from the beginning, as the Chief Executive Officer.

This journey has taught me the value of three things: compassion, collaboration, and creativity. Compassion for our people and the community, collaboration with the industry, and creativity in everything we do –  which has led us to develop some of the pioneering concepts and solutions for the industry.

Have you faced any barriers being a woman? If so, how did you overcome them?

I have faced barriers, but I didn’t see them as something I faced as a woman necessarily. As I was building my business, there were several times that people didn’t take me seriously. However, as I gained experience and proved myself, people gave me respect. I also have a strong support system at home that enabled and empowered me every step of the way. I must thank my husband Jyoti in being there for me no matter what I was facing.

What is the most important message you want to send out to young women who wish to diversify/pursue similar interests?

I have always maintained that as women, we have to look beyond our gender, the way we expect others to look beyond ours. When I entered this field, I didn’t think of myself as a woman setting up a business in the early ’90s. I just knew that this is what I want to do and then got down to getting it started. Of course, I know and understand that women look up to me as a role model. So, to them, I will just say—dream big and then wake up and work hard to realize that dream.

If you could have dinner with three inspirational women, dead or alive, who would they be and why?

For me, there is only one: Mother Teresa – now Saint Teresa. She has been my inspiration for everything in life. Her compassion knew no bounds. Her courage and resilience in the face of adversity, criticism, and all kinds of hardship is truly inspiring. Her simplicity is something that I admire as well. She taught me the value of leading from the heart. I can go on and on about the lessons I have learnt from her life.  So, if it came to it, I would love to have three dinners with Mother Teresa.


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